
Welcome to Inside My Imagination! I hope you all enjoy what you find in here!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Under Construction!

Be advised that this is my first blog. I am working as hard as I can to get everything set up.

In this blog, you will find all manner of things. I will be posting short stories that I have written, I will be posting a few of my own ramblings, and I will be giving any updates I can on any writing I am working on. Also, you shouldn't be surprised if you find that I have rearranged a few things over time. Just remember, I will do the best I can to avoid any confusion.

Again, thank you for coming to visit, reading anything I have posted and for being patient with me.

Happy reading!!!

Sage's Diary

This is a short that I wrote a couple of years ago. Please keep in mind that this is a short. What you read is all there is. There may be more to the story somewhere along the way, but as of right now, this is all I have ever been given I hope you enjoy it.

Dear Diary,
Today, I saw him. He was sitting on the bench in the park, in front of my house. I was wondering if he'd ever visit again. The last two times he's been there, he hasn't said much. Today, though, he spoke to me. He has a voice like music. It's amazing. All he said was "Hi.", but it was enough to convince me that he's not just a part of my dreams. He's real. He speaks, he breaths, he moves. It still amazes me that one simple word can bring so much fulfillment to a desolate heart. For so long, I have felt that only I exist in this precarious state. The state between agony and loneliness. The state, in which many different paths can be taken, but only one has any light. I've been careful to not let anyone else see the pain, the searing regret for having to let go of every piece of me, before I could find something to hold on to. He's the strength I've found in that darkness. Is it possible? Is it even remotely possible to find strength in someone whom I've never spoken to once, save for today. I'd like to think that it is possible. I think I have found my lighted path. Only time can tell.

Dear Diary,
He was there again today. Today he rose as I walked past, on my way home, and spoke to me again. Does he know? Can he see it? It's very hard to understand these new feelings. I haven't felt them in so long. This can't be real.

Dear Diary,
Today, he wasn't on the bench, which is his usual spot. Today, he was standing near the lamp post at the end of the pathway into the park. He asked me to take a walk with him. His name is Tavis. We didn't talk about much. We just walked together in relative silence. It was uplifting. It's like we're linked on this frequency that only we can feel. Was he sent to me? Does he know yet that he's exactly who I need right now?

Dear Diary,
He's amazing! Today we talked about life, and how things are intertwined. How fate can bring two beings together in the most critical points of their lives, and show them that one other exists who is exactly like them. I told him of my troubles. I told him of my mother and her passing, and how I'm terribly lost and very alone. How I'd rather cease to exist than wander this world alone. I wonder if he's figured it out.

Dear Diary,
I think he's beginning to understand it. He makes comments about things that I never thought I let show through. I thought my mask was a little tighter against my face. Maybe it's falling. He can see things that no one else can see. Today, he told me that he was here for me alone. He said that the fates brought him to the bench outside my home. I'm sure that he knows. I have to believe that. He said that he didn't know where he was going, but that he knew he had to go there, he had to find me. It has to be true. I feel almost complete. Though he won't reveal anything about himself, I feel as though I've known him my entire life. He's a part of me. I can feel it.

Dear Diary,
I'm no longer alone. He's promised that he will stay for as long as I need him. What if I'll need him forever? Would he be willing to stay that long? I couldn't bear it should my light be put out again. I don't know what I would do, and I can't possibly promise to exist in a world where he is not. I won't. He is that lighted path that I was so very intent on choosing. Nothing else could have possibly made sense. How could I have thought there was nothing more to life than self loathing, agony, and tyranny? Nothing made sense before him, and I fear that nothing will ever make sense without him. So, for as long as he is here, I will hold on to this light I have found, and I will do my very best to keep it shining bright within me. I will hold it tight against my chest, and the only way I will ever let it go is to have it ripped from my lifeless hands. That is all I can do.